

Bellringers in the ringing chamber

Our bellringers ring every Sunday at our morning services. The regular pattern of ringing is:

10.00-10.30 (Sundays)

Practice times

We practice every Tuesday (7.45-9.15pm) 

We also ring for weddings and other special occasions

Visitors – ringers, would-be ringers and the merely curious – are always welcome, but please check with the Tower Captain in advance, especially for Tuesday practices.

If you are interested in learning to ring, or are ringers wishing to arrange a quarter, peal or outing,

please contact the Tower Captain, Owen Toller, via the Parish Office 0207 736 3264 or send an email.

For up-to-date news, you can follow the All Saints Bell Ringers on Twitter

Some useful links

All Saints Fulham's entry in Dove's Guide for Church Bell Ringers

We are members of Middlesex County Association and London Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers

Our ringers are also close liaison with the ringers at other nearby towers in the Surrey Association

About our bells

All Saints has 10 bells (tenor 18-2- 14 in E) and an active band of ringers.

About our bells

A more detailed history can be found on our History section of the website.


All Saints is an inclusive parish church, worshipping in the catholic tradition of the Church of England, that welcomes anyone, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, physical ability or ethnic background.


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